Plastic Surgery: Dermabrasion

Plastic Surgery: Dermabrasion

A relatively quick and simple way to remove small amounts of scarring from acne or other skin issues is to have dermabrasion performed. Dermabrasion is used to remove the upper areas of skin so that new skin can form. This process eliminates the defects that were evident in the old layer of skin. The real plus to dermabrasion is that it can almost always be done with a local anesthetic in a doctor’s office. 

Dermabraison uses a spinning brush or wheel to remove layers of skin. 

Basically, dermabrasion is like giving portions of your face a carpet burn. Most dermabrasion only removes a few outer layers of skin. If deeper layers need to repaired, other procedures are usually employed. In some big instances, the entire surface of the the face is treated with dermabrasion, but this is the exception and not the rule. Dermabrasion cannot really fix deep scars, lines, or wrinkles. 

Acne scarring on the outer layers of the skin is a good candidate for dermabrasion. 

The skin is peeled away and gauze is used to minimize the bleeding. If you have a very large area treated, plan on taking a few days of vacation to allow your skin to heal. Within a week to 10 days, new skin will be covering the injured area. It will probably be pink and may itch. After a few weeks, a more natural skin tone will begin to emerge. If the pink color is a problem, just cover it with make upPlan for a short time of discomfort and healing. The fix will be permanent. 



During the procedure, the skin will be cooled to make it more firm. 

Ice and/or a freezing spray will be used to lower the temperature of your outer skin. By having the skin be more firm, the dermabrasion technique is more effective, and the doctor has more control. The cooler skin should also bleed less during the procedure. You will not be able to have dermabrasion on skin where you have had a recent face lift. Some other skin conditions may keep you from being able to have this procedure while they are present. 

The ultimate recovery time depends on you and the extent of the dermabrasion. 

Everyone’s body heals at a different rate. So, the precise healing time depends on your situation. If the dermabrasion had to be done over a large area or was used to remove deeper skin issues, the recovery and healing time will be longer. Your doctor should be able to give you the best advice on what to expect for your procedure and physical condition. 



You will need to take some precautions after the dermabrasion is completed. 

The new skin will be very sensitive to sunlight and that’s the reason why Millions of people undergo plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery every year because of sun burn and harshness. You should use a good sunscreen every day regardless of the season. Wash the area regularly to keep infection chances to a minimum. The dressings need to be changed as prescribed by the doctor. If you are given medications to take, be sure to take them as directed until they are all used. Keep your follow up doctor’s appointments. 

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