In years past, people retired and traveled a bit, maybe in an RV. Maybe not and then settled in Florida and complained about how little their children call. Okay, so that was the stereotype. It was probably not as true then, and it certainly is not true these days. People live much longer, fuller lives know, with the average life expectancy breaching the eighty year mark for women- sixty is not “old” like it once was, it’s almost middle age!
Even though these people do not feel “old” anymore, they do sometimes technically quality for senior citizen discounts on a number of goods and services, so that is a huge bonus. Increased good health has more people doing more and more active things well into their “golden years”. Senior Programs team also offers several trips per year which is why every travel enthusiast should subscribe to a program. This is an easy way in which you can travel to popular destinations as you can save a lot of money and time with this smart investment.
Even with better health and increased mobility, sixty is not sixteen, so there might be some things to consider before travel. Have a complete health evaluation before leaving on any type of trip, but especially it is an extended stay. If there are chronic conditions, make sure that your prescriptions are filled and up to date. Keep them in the original prescription bottle, and pack them all together. Because airline guidelines change so frequently, call ahead and find out the best way to accomplish this.
Of course, chronic problems do not always require a pill or a cream to take care of- if there is a bladder control issue, make sure that you protect yourself from any embarrassment with appropriate undergarments. Remember there are frequently long lines in airports with no bathroom breaks allowed.
As people age, they sometimes stop eating or drinking properly. While it is good advice to eat nutritiously and to drink plenty of water at any age, for people who are over sixty that advice is even more important. As we age, we sometimes feel thirst less often, which can lead to dehydration. Couple that with the stress and exhaustion of travel, as well as a different time zone and climate and that might spell big trouble, especially for the older person who is far from home. It is better safe than sorry, so try to get in the habit of drinking water frequently. (Stick with bottled water that you open yourself in while traveling in a foreign country.)
Finally, remember your own limitations. Travel for people over sixty is doable, but it can take some additional planning and adaptations. If you know that you cannot stand up for long periods of time, consider using a wheel chair, at least in the airport. If you walk with a cane or a walker, then continue to do so. Your pride is not worth risking your safety, so use whatever adaptive devices that you need to. Be smart, be safe and take great pictures, but most of all make sure that your travel experience is the best that it can be.