Water Filter- Select By Type For Convenience

Water Filter- Select By Type For Convenience

The three basic necessities that are essential for survival are food, air and water and while it is possible to survive without the first one for a longer period of time (to a certain extent), it is next to impossible to do so without the latter two, for they constitute our very being.

Almost 70% of the human body is made up of water, yes you read it right. Our body constitutes the 5 elements of nature: fire, water, air, ether and earth and the remaining elements make up the 30%.

This may seem quite astonishing but it is a true fact and therefore, we are going to discuss more about water and how it is an important part of our life that needs to be consumed each day.

Welcome Change

We are living on planet earth and just like the human body, nearly 75% of the earth is covered with water, which itself is enough to gauge the necessity of water in our daily lives.

But the problem is that just like air and food, water also is now full of dangerous pollutants and harmful chemicals and it is akin to committing suicide to drink water out of a tap these days.

Therefore, you will find that almost every household today has a water filter or purifier installed in their house and it is not just one country but almost the entire world has done so because water purifiers kill all the bacteria inside it and preserve the minerals, thereby making it safe to drink.

Water filters and purifiers are what we can call a welcome change in the current scenario which has made the life of mankind a much easier jaunt than it was a couple of decades back where people had no choice but to stand in line for hours together to take water from taps in the nearest vicinity.

Home Test

However installing a water filter alone is not enough as there are other necessary steps that need to be taken such as tests to make sure that the water is drinkable for everyone in the house.

As you would know that filters also get water from the tap itself, which comes from ground water and it is sure to contain harmful chemicals and microorganisms like bacteria, pesticides, iron, lead, copper, nitrites and, the most dangerous of all, chlorine, as it does not kill but has adverse side effects that last for a lifetime, especially to young children, which is considered worse than death.

The pH level of water determines whether it is safe to consume or not along with the hardness factor like for example if you drink water from a well, then it becomes necessary to test it once or twice every few months either by sending a few samples to the local lab or at home itself.

Choosing a Filter Type

Once the necessary facts mentioned above are ascertained, now you need to select the best filter in the market which can identify and remove all the unwanted things in the water.

You can choose your filter through the following points:

  • Identify what all impurities are there in the water and study the filtration system by getting a signed letter from the water department to do so
  • Everyone is aware of the water quality in their area or colony and they can choose to buy a water filter based on it that can remove all the harmful substances in it right from brita slim to any affordable brand
  • Finally, you determine where the filter has to be installed in the house, most likely the kitchen, and as there are filters of various sizes, always choose the right location based on it

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